C/ dels Almogàvers, 174
E-08018 Barcelona (Spain)
+34 933 008 504
Manuel Matachana
Marino Alonso
In MATACHANA GROUP we design, manufacture, commercialize and represent international brands with the aim to propose integral solutions for hospital equipment within the sterilization central, anatomical pathology, as well as special biocontaminated waste treatment.
With over 50 years of experience, MATACHANA GROUP provides services worldwide, with subsidiaries in France, Germany, USA, Argentina and Malaysia, and with direct distributors in over 110 countries.
– Infection Control global solutions
– Integral solutions for RUMED – Reprocessing units for medical devices
– Washing & Disinfection equipment
– Steam Sterilizers:
Low Temperature sterilizers: Hydrogen Peroxide & Plasma sterilizers & Low
Temperature Steam Formaldehyde 2% (LTSF) sterilizer
– Equipment for preparation, packaging, storage and distribution areas
– Monitoring and registration systems
– Infectious Healthcare Waste Treatment
– Equipment for autopsy rooms
Hall 12 Stand E49