C/ Ibi, 2. Pol. Ind. Algars
03820 Cocentaina, Alicante (Spain)
34 965 590 315
Eva Corchado
Eva Corchado
Equipos de Reciclado Biológico, S.L. (ERB), is born inside a group of technology based companies that started in 1931, with satisfied customers all over 5 continents.
Through its COMTEM™commercial brand, and with more than 40 years’ experience in manufacturing equipment, ERB offers Hazardous Health Care treatment solutions through the STERIFLASH™ equipment.
STERIFLASH™, on-site Hazardous Health Care Waste (HHCW) treatment by shredding and a saturated steam cycle presents significant qualitative (in terms of process simplification, volume reduction, safety and environmental risks minimization, etc.), as well as quantitative (economic savings, resources needed, disposal times, etc.) advantages.
Hall 12 Stand D08